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Real Men use MANDUST

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. Our weekend was full of fun activities and now we are back to our daily grind and routines. We love when the weekends arrive and we take full advantage of just going with the flow.

For those of you who may or may not know my husband, this is Nigel. He is an amazing husband and the most incredible dad. He is as hands on as they come and I am always so grateful. We all have our differences, but Nigel and I are always battling the amount of chemicals we ingest daily. He hates, anything household or family related products, that are overly scented, with ingredients we cant even pronounce, and all those little things we add to our daily lives that we just really don't need.

For me its my makeup, my nails, my hair, and body product...the list goes on, and slowly I am trying to use clean products, but its not always easy. Nigel on the other hand, doesn't touch any of it. He wears cologne and thats about it. No face creams, body creams or any of the such.

When I heard about MANDUST, I knew right away, that this was the product for my husband. He tried it, he loved it, and he continues to use it!

What is MANDUST you ask? Its a talc and corn free body powder for men. Why? Because not only should we not be using chemical-ridden products, but we should definitely not be using them on important valuable areas (and as MANDUST would say...on your junk!) What is MANDUST made up of? Arrowroot - which is a much better substitute to corn starch which is made with GMO. White Kaolin Clay - a natural detoxifier and cleanser. Zinc Oxide - used for its antibacterial and deodorizing properties. WOW! and can I also mention...its handmade in CANADA!!

So ladies, next time you are shopping for your man, and now that Christmas is approaching...think MANDUST! Makes for a great stocking stuffer for all the men in your life.

I have linked it below! Enjoy.



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