First Trip as a New Mom
Some people stop traveling when babies arrive…but not us!
Some people also thought we were absolutely crazy
for taking our 6 week old Collins to Egypt!
I was a first time mom and obviously had some concerns,
but we did it…we actually did it!

How you ask? I have no idea, but I will say it was one of our most adventurous trips since kids. Traveling with such a young baby was easier than we thought..she slept..ALOT! She was a breastfed baby so that made things easier. I fed her on demand..anywhere, anytime. I breastfed her while walking through museums, carriage rides, boat rides, restaurants and believe it or not the coolest place I think I will ever get to say I breastfed…in a Pyramid! Deep down in there, there I was… breastfeeding. You do what you gotta do. Right? I watched what I ate so I did not get sick. I was a little paranoid of the baby getting sick if I did. Being a muslim country, I was iffy about breastfeeding in public so I brought my pump. First day there, I plugged it in and the battery blew due to the different voltage....I was so upset. Some of the women told me that it was perfectly okay to breastfeed in public but just stay covered up. I was so relieved! But looking back, there was no way cleaning bottles, and dealing with pumps would have been easy or even doable at some points. So thank god for breastfeeding.

We brought our only stroller we had at the time which was the Uppa Baby, and we realized that lugging that in and out of cars and through the dessert was not ideal and when we returned… we quickly bought a travel stroller. You need something super light weight because you will always be traveling in a car. There are no actual sidewalks there so strolling far was not really an option.

We had our difficulties here and there, but it was an experience of a lifetime and even though my daughter will never remember it, I have filled her baby book with the most beautiful memories of Egypt.
So if we can do it…you all can do it!